Thanks Feighen.

I had to say that I'm looking for solutions/guidelines that help in doing the 
analysis in a short period of time or a narrow shot of the system state.

Any thoughts?

Sent from my BlackBerry device

-----Original Message-----
From: Feighen Oosterbroek <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:26:05 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Linux - Indicators of compromise


there are programs that can help to analyse log files. Logwatch comes to mind. 
There are possibly others. I suppose you could write a script to check file 
permissions and ownership changes over time, which could be a starting point 
for more in-depth checks

Thanks and kind regards

On 14 July 2012 14:46, Ali Varshovi < 
<> > wrote:
Greetings FD,

Does anyone have any guidelines/useful material on analysis logs of a Linux 
machine to detect signs of compromise? The data collection piece is not a 
challenge as a lot of useful information can be captured using commands and 
some scripts. I'm wondering if there is any systematic approach to analyze the 
collected logs? Most of the materials I've seen are more aligned to malware and 
rootkit detection which is not the only concern apparently.

Sent from my BlackBerry device

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