Affected products:

Product :               wordpress
Plugin in name :        abtest
File name :             abtest_admin.php


The file abtest_admin.php of the plugin abtest is vulnerable to a Directory
traversal attack (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directory_traversal_attack) which could expose
sensitive information to unauthorised third parties.

Example code:

Suggested fix:

preferably amend line 4 of abtest_admin.php to include a switch statement
ensuring $_GET['action'] is safe i.e.
switch ($_GET['action']) {
case "add_goal":
case "add_ip_filter":
..>8.. cut for space ..8<...
case "tabs":
    include 'admin/' . $_GET['action'] . '.php';
    echo "oh... something wrong...";

Or at least remove all non-alpha and underscores from $_GET['action'] prior
to the include statement.


11-Sept-2012 Author, Wordpress
12-Sept-2012 Wordpress pulled the plugin
11-Oct-2012 No contact from the vendor. Vulnerability made public via my
blog and the full disclosure email list.

Scott Herbert

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