Dear Hackers,

I've discovered what I think is a failure in login cookies:

I installed the "Import Cookies" & "Export Cookies" plugins in my
firefox 20, then I signed in at github and exported my cookies, then I
signed out, I cleaned all the cookies in my browser and I started it
again, then I imported the cookies and I am login in without typing my
passwords, I've tried this with my google account, but there is clear
that when I signed out the info in the cookies was annulled, then it
appears like I am signed while I am searching, but if I want to check my
mail/drive I have to type my password.

If you can reproduce this, tell to githubbers, if you can not let us know!

I know, it is very difficult to catch my cookies while I'm on an https
session, but this is only a note.

Best regards,

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