
As some of you might remember, I have published a NSE script back in 2010, which added a vulnerability scanning feature to Nmap[1].

I've been doing a complete re-write of the script, which introduces some neat features:

* Much better performance and accuracy of search engine
* Deployment of scip VulDB, CVE, OSVDB, SecurityFocus, Secunia and Securitytracker
* Correlated analysis of all available databases in the same run
* Support for single database scan mode (vulscandb)
* Support for your own CSV-based vulnerability database
* Support of dynamic report templates (vulscanoutput)
* Intelligent interactive mode remembers your definitions per session (vulscaninteractive)
* Full support for Nmap 5.x/6.x on Linux and Windows
* More debug output possible (-d1)
* Better error handling

You're able to download the latest release of Nmap NSE Vulscan 1.0 here: http://www.computec.ch/mruef/software/nmap_nse_vulscan-1.0.tar.gz

Further details about usage and data processing are available in the description field of the script and in my blog post about the release: http://www.scip.ch/en/?labs.20130625

Feel free to use and share the script. And please let me know if you miss any features or if you have assembled your own vulnerability database and would like to see it added to the official repository.



[1] http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q2/726

Marc Ruef | marc.r...@computec.ch | http://www.computec.ch/mruef/
Meine letzte Publikation: "MD5 ist tot? Das hättest Du wohl gern!" http://www.computec.ch/news.php?item.403

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