Few days ago Siemens published update for WinCC 7.2 SCADA to fix several
vulnerabilities discovered by SCADA StrangeLove team.
CVE-2013-3957 – most dangers one. Simple SQL Injection because some
configuration and architectural issues an attacker can execute arbitrary
code in context of SQL server. This vulnerability can be exploited not only
via WebNavigator (e.g. HTTP), but via WinCC Runtime Client (e.g. OPC). So
Cisco Applied Mitigation Bulletin 29768
http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=29768 should be
fixed to filter OPC traffic also.

CVE-2013-3958 and CVE-2013-3959 is funny stuff because… Because  hardcoded
accounts are always funny.

Alexander Tlyapov, Sergey Gordeychik and Timur Yunusov.

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