On Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:31:09 +0100, Hurgel Bumpf said:
> Just found this online.. might be of interest

> Direct PDF: http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/448.pdf

>From the fine PDF:

"The Flush+Reload attack is a variant of the Prime+Probe attack that relies on
sharing pages between the spy and the victim programs. With shared pages, the
spy program can ensure that a specic memory line is evicted from the whole
cache hierarchy. The spy uses this to monitor access to the memory line."

The fact you need to get gnupg to share the pages in question with you
does mean that this isn't, by itself, a knockout blow.

Still quite the interesting attack.  And attacks always improve.  Maybe
somebody will find a way to do better...

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