Hello participants of Mailing List.

I'll tell you about using XXE vulnerabilities for attacks on other sites
(about it I already wrote last year). Those who haven't read my 2012's
article "Using XML External Entities (XXE) for attacks on other sites"
can do it now to remind this topic for themselves.

In that article I've told about using XML External Entities (XXE)
vulnerabilities (WASC-43) for conducting CSRF and DoS attacks on other
sites. And in new article I continued this topic.

In June I wrote new article "Using XXE vulnerabilities for attacks on other
sites", which I translated recently
I described many new software and web applications, which are vulnerable to
XXE, such as libraptor, Advanced XML Reader, PHP 5.3 and 5.4, WordPress 3.5
and 3.5.1 and Sybase EAServer. And mentioned about my tool for automation of
such attacks - DAVOSET. Which can be used for conducting attacks on other
sites via Abuse of Functionality vulnerabilities and I was planning to add support of attacks via XXE.

Last month I released DAVOSET v.1.1.2 - DDoS attacks via other sites
execution tool. In this version I added support of XML requests for XXE
vulnerabilities. So now you can use XML External Entities (XXE) holes at web
sites for conducting automated DoS and DDoS attacks on other sites.

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

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