How Warmongers Exploit 9/11
by Norm Dixon 

In the week before the first anniversary of the devastating September 11, 2001, 
terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, TV networks aired a seemingly 
never-ending string of ``special events'' featuring ``exclusive'' or ``never before 
seen'' footage of the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) and 
its aftermath. People around the world again experienced the horror, anger and tragedy 
of that terrible day, when almost 3000 working people were murdered.

Culminating on the anniversary of the day itself, thousands of journalists and TV 
presenters from across the globe will converge at ``ground zero'' in New York for 
``remembrance and reflection''. Solemn ceremonies will be telecast and patriotic 
speeches by top US politicians broadcast, restating Washington's determination to 
pursue its ``war on terrorism''.

But by the end of the 9/11 anniversary hoopla, after the thousands of hours of TV time 
and the column-kilometres published in the world's newspapers and magazines, you can 
be sure that the most glaring aspect of the post-9/11 period will have remained 
unmentionable by all but the most honest commentators: that Washington's ``war on 
terrorism'' is a cynical fraud.

The most repeated 9/11 media cliche is that on that day ``the world changed''. 
However, few commentators have bothered to explain how.

September 11 did mark a change in the US and world politics -- just how permanent 
remains to be seen. On that day, the US rulers realised that those awful acts of 
terrorism provided them with a golden opportunity to achieve the US capitalist ruling 
class' long-held objective of world domination -- the ``American century'' it 
predicted was at hand at the end of World War II.

Top officials in President George Bush junior's administration seized that 
opportunity, coldly calculating that the traumatised US people would now support 
significant military interventions by US ground troops abroad, in the guise of 
fighting ``terrorism'', even if there was a risk of large numbers of US casualties -- 
something they have refused to accept since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975.

Before September 11, Washington had long labelled governments and political movements 
it opposed as ``terrorists''. The US State Department each year publishes a list of 
countries that ``support terrorism''; for years it has included Iran, Iraq, Syria, 
Libya, Sudan, North Korea and Cuba. Until September 11, that was not enough to 
convince the US people to support sustained military operations against them.

Almost as soon as the smoke from the rubble of the WTC had cleared, the Bush 
administration moved to take the focus of the ``war on terrorism'' from the alleged 
perpetrators of the 9/11 atrocities -- Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network of 
religious reactionaries -- to US-defined ``terrorism'' and ``evil'' in general.

``From this day forward'', Bush told Congress on September 20, ``any nation that 
continues to harbour or support terrorism will be regarded as a hostile regime''. The 
``first war of the 21st Century'' will not end, he declared, ``until every terrorist 
group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated''.

The bombing of Afghanistan began on October 7. On November 21, Bush outlined what has 
become known as the ``Bush doctrine'': ``Afghanistan is just the beginning of the war 
against terror. There are other terrorists who threaten America and our friends, and 
there are other nations willing to sponsor them. We will not be secure as a nation 
until all these threats are defeated. Across the world, and across the years, we will 
fight these evil ones, and we will win 

``America has a message for the nations of the world: if you harbour terrorists, 
you're terrorists; if you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist; if you feed 
or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the 
United States and our friends.''

On November 26, with Iraq now in his cross-hairs, Bush expanded the scope of the ``war 
on terrorism'' further when he stated, ``If they develop weapons of mass destruction 
that will be used to terrorise nations, they will be held accountable''.

The transformation was complete with Bush's January 29 State of the Union speech. The 
next stage of Washington's ``war on terrorism'' was officially delinked from the 
specific events of 9/11. Bush did not even mention bin Laden or al Qaeda. Iraqi 
President Saddam Hussein had suddenly taken the elusive Bin Laden's place as public 
enemy number one.

The ``axis of evil'' that now topped Washington's hit-list -- Iraq, Iran and North 
Korea -- has no proven links with al Qaeda, bin Laden or the 9/11 attacks. Nor do 
three of the four organisations Bush cited by name -- Hamas, Islamic Jihad and 
Hezbollah -- have a connection with al Qaeda; their ``crime'' was to oppose Israel's 
illegal occupation of Palestine.

Bush also bluntly stated that the US had the right to unilaterally launch military 
action against ``terrorists'' inside any country, and launch preemptive military 
strikes against states that Washington suspected of developing chemical, biological or 
nuclear weapons: ``Some governments will be timid in the face of terror. And make no 
mistake about it, if they do not act, America will.''

Bush reminded the world that US vengeance has no geographic limits. ``Our armed forces 
[in Afghanistan] have delivered a message now clear to every enemy of the United 
States: even 7000 miles away, across oceans and continents, on mountain tops and in 
caves, you will not escape the justice of this nation'', he warned.

In less than six months, Bush's ``war on terrorism'' had morphed seamlessly from 
action directed at the alleged perpetrators and backers of the 9/11 mass murders into 
a war against any Third World state or political movement that Washington considers 
too independent, too defiant or a hurdle to the goal of US global hegemony.

Bush's State of the Union speech was the formal announcement that Washington is 
unashamedly seeking world domination. As the February 1 New York Times editorial 
noted: ``The application of power and intimidation has returned to the forefront of 
American foreign policy Not since America's humiliating withdrawal from Vietnam more 
than a quarter-century ago has US foreign policy relied so heavily on non-nuclear 
military force, or the threat of it, to defend American interests around the world.''

Since the end of World War II, the US ruling class' overarching strategic goal has 
been the maintenance of overwhelming military, economic and political dominance and 
the prevention of the emergence of other powers -- great or regional -- that could 
challenge that position. This goal was dubbed the ``American century'' at the end of 
World War II.

However, Washington's expectations of total world domination were frustrated for 
nearly 50 years by the industrial and military strength of the Soviet Union and the 
national liberation struggles, beginning with the victory of the Chinese revolution in 
1949 and the Cuban revolution in 1959, followed by the wave of successful independence 
struggles in Africa and Asia throughout the 1960s that culminated in the historic 
defeat of US forces in Vietnam in 1975.

Washington's defeat in Vietnam was a political defeat as well as a military one. Over 
time, with the assistance of a growing anti-war movement, the US people had come to 
realise that the US rulers had cynically lied when they proclaimed the bloody war 
against the people of Vietnam as a fight for democracy -- at the cost of 50,000 young 
US soldiers' lives and the deaths of millions of Vietnamese -- when in fact it was an 
unjust, imperialist war of aggression.

The ``Vietnam syndrome'' was born, and for more than 25 years, it made it politically 
impossible for Washington to deploy large numbers of ground troops in ``hot'' wars 

Militarily and politically hamstrung by the Vietnam syndrome, US imperialism suffered 
further setbacks in the late 1970s with the victories of the independence struggles in 
Angola and Mozambique, a revolution in Ethiopia in 1977, the 1978 Afghan revolution, 
and the revolutionary processes begun in Nicaragua and Grenada in 1979.

The overthrow of the pro-US Shah of Iran in 1979 was also a serious threat to US 
imperialism's hold on the strategic oil-rich Persian Gulf.

Under President Ronald Reagan, who came to power in 1980, the US ruling class launched 
a counter-attack against what it dishonestly dubbed ``Soviet expansionism''. 
Washington massively funded and armed counter-revolutionary bandits and terrorists, 
such as RENAMO in Mozambique, UNITA in Angola, the contras in Nicaragua and the 
mujaheddin in Afghanistan. Reagan also boosted US support to the apartheid regime in 
South Africa and dictatorial regimes like those in Pakistan, Indonesia and Chile.

However, Reagan's strategy was also specifically engineered to avoid putting US troops 
in harm's way. When Reagan ordered US troops to invade Grenada in 1983 (and when 
George Bush senior ordered the invasion of Panama in 1989), the operation relied on 
massive firepower before elite US troops entered and then left as quickly as possible.

However, Reagan massively boosted US war spending across the board, including on the 
``star wars'' missile defence system. The goal of this fanciful project was to achieve 
the ability to launch a first-strike nuclear attack on the USSR without fear of 
retaliation. Attempts to match these massive military expenditures played a role in 
``bleeding'' the Soviet Union, hastening its collapse.

With the demise of the USSR in 1991, the US rulers hoped that the ``American century'' 
was again on the horizon. George Bush senior hailed the US victory over Iraq in the 
1990-91 Gulf War as also marking the ``end of the Vietnam syndrome'' and declared that 
Washington would now oversee a ``New World Order''.

However, he spoke too soon. Bush senior had been not prepared to test the Vietnam 
syndrome. The US military had relied on the use of its overwhelming air superiority 
and its massive technological edge to avoid significant ground operations. Fear of the 
Vietnam syndrome in part deterred Bush from sending US troops into Iraq to overthrow 
Saddam Hussein.

Throughout the 1990s, this was the pattern of US military operations. The Vietnam 
syndrome was shown to be alive and kicking with the public outcry in the US to the 
deaths of 18 soldiers during Washington's ``humanitarian'' intervention in Somalia.

The Bush senior and the Clinton administrations clothed their military actions in the 
guise of defending human rights, halting ``ethnic cleansing'' or providing 
humanitarian assistance. They were conducted under the cover of regional or UN 
``peacekeeping'' operations and were generally conditional on winning multilateral 

The American people's hopes that the end of the Cold War would result in much reduced 
military spending and a ``peace dividend'' also frustrated US ruling class demands for 
the maintenance of military spending at Cold War levels.

With 9/11, the dominant wing in Bush junior's administration clearly believes the 
Vietnam syndrome has finally been put to rest.

The claim that the attacks on the WTC ``changed the world'' are part of a myth that is 
being carefully crafted: that the launch of the ``war on terrorism'' was simply a 
response to the terrible events of one day.

This myth-making is exemplified by a melodramatic September 5, 2002, article by 
Associated Press White House correspondent Ron Fournier: ``In a cramped nuclear 
shelter deep beneath the White House, President Bush stared across a spare wooden 
table and told his national security team, `Get the troops ready'. Twelve hours after 
the terrorist strikes, moments after his nationally televised address, Bush was 
preparing for a war that would transform and define his presidency `This is a time for 
self defence', he told his war council. `This is our time'.''

The truth is more straightforward. In the 12 months following 9/11, Bush junior's 
administration has cynically seized upon and exploited the terror attacks to launch a 
drive to achieve the US ruling class dream of an ``American century'' or ``New World 
Order'' -- an unchallenged global US military, political and economic empire.

The power behind the throne of George Bush junior's regime is vice president Dick 
Cheney and a warmongering team made up of veterans of the Reagan and Bush senior 

Throughout the 1990s, these ``hawks'' organised for their return to power, formulated 
their programs for unchallenged US hegemony and advocated the unbridled use of US 
military power through a network of tightly interlocked right-wing ruling-class 
think-tanks -- the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the American 
Enterprise Institute, Americans for Victory over Terrorism and the Center for Security 
Policy. The Murdoch-owned Weekly Standard and the editorial pages of the Wall Street 
Journal championed their views (and continue to do so).

The lessons of the Bush senior and Clinton administration, the new ``centurions'' 
constantly claimed, was that US power should not be constrained by attempts to balance 
US interests with those of its European or other allies. Alliances, international 
organisations or multilateral treaties must not get in the way of the unfettered 
exercise of US military or economic power.

Other key planks pushed by the hawks have been unconditional military and political 
support for Israel -- Washington's key ally in the Middle East -- and implacable 
opposition to any regimes in that region that could pose a threat to US domination of 
the strategic, oil-rich Persian Gulf. As a result, a trademark of the centurions has 
been extreme hostility towards the regimes in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and even 
Lebanon, as well as cheering every move made by Tel Aviv to crush the national 
liberation movement in occupied Palestine.

In 1997, the PNAC was established to promote ``American global leadership''. Cheney, 
Donald Rumsfeld (now US defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (now deputy defence 
secretary) and Jeb Bush (Bush junior's brother) were signatories to the PNAC's 
founding ``statement of principle''. It stated bluntly: ``[Conservatives] seem to have 
forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan administration's success: a military 
that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy 
that boldly and purposely promotes American principles abroad; and a national 
leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities 

``America has a role in maintaining peace and security in Europe, Asia and the Middle 
East. If we shirk our responsibilities, we invite challenges to our fundamental 
interests. The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important 
to shape circumstances before crises emerge, and to meet threats before they become 
dire. The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the cause of 
American leadership.''

The PNAC argued that the US must ``increase defense spending significantly'' and 
``modernize our armed forces if we are to carry out our global responsibilities 
today'' ; ``strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile 
to our interests and values''; ``promote the cause of political and economic freedom 
abroad''; and ``accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and 
extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our 

``Such a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity may not be 
fashionable today'', the PNAC conceded. ``But it is necessary if the United States is 
to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security and our 
greatness in the next.''

In September 2000, the PNAC fleshed out its imperial vision with the release of a 
report, Rebuilding America's defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New 
Century. The project's participants included Wolfowitz, Lewis Libby (now Cheney's 
chief of staff) and Weekly Standard editor William Kristol.

The report's introduction noted that the US ``is the world's only superpower, 
combining preeminent military power, global technological leadership and the world's 
largest economy At present the US faces no global rival. America's grand strategy 
should aim to preserve and extend this advantageous position as far into the future as 
possible''. To preserve this ``desirable strategic situation'', the report stated, the 
US ``requires a globally preeminent military capability both today and in the future''.

The report's authors admitted that they had built upon the 1992 draft of the 
Pentagon's Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), which was prepared for Cheney, who was 
then US defence secretary in the Bush senior administration, Wolfowitz and Libby.

This document stated bluntly that the US must continue to ``discourage ... advanced 
industrial nations from challenging our leadership or ... even aspiring to a larger 
regional or global role ... [To achieve this, the US] must retain the preeminent 
responsibility for addressing ... those wrongs which threaten not only our interests, 
but those of our allies or friends, or which seriously unsettle international 

This was an admission that the massive build-up of US military might in Europe, Asia 
and the Middle East after 1945 was not simply directed at containing ``Soviet 
expansionism'', crushing Third World revolutions and controlling natural resources 
such as Middle Eastern oil -- as vital to US interests as they were. It was also aimed 
at enmeshing its potential capitalist rivals -- Britain, France, Germany and Japan -- 
within US-dominated military alliances designed to prevent them developing independent 
armed forces.

The PNAC report endorsed the DPG's ``blueprint for maintaining US preeminence, 
precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security 
order in line with American principles and interests... The basic tenets of the DPG, 
in our judgment, remain sound.''

The PNAC report recommended that the US turn around the 1990s ``decade of defence 
neglect'' and boost war spending to a minimum of 3.5-3.8% of GDP (up from around 3%) 
by adding US$15 billion to US$20 billion annually; increase the numbers of active-duty 
military personnel from 1.4 million to 1.6 million; and ``reposition US forces ... by 
shifting permanently based forces to southeast Europe [the Balkans] and Southeast Asia 
[preferably the Philippines and/or Australia], and by changing naval deployment 
patterns to reflect growing US strategic concerns in East Asia [meaning the 
`containment' of China and the `defence' of Taiwan]''.

The report also urged Washington to develop the capability to ``fight and win 
multiple, simultaneous major theater wars'' and at the same time ``perform the 
`constabulary' duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical 
regions''; maintain ``nuclear strategic superiority'' by developing smaller 
``bunker-buster'' nuclear weapons and resuming nuclear testing; develop the ``star 
wars'' global ``missile defence system''; and ``control the new `international 
commons' of space and `cyberspace' and pave the way for the creation of a new military 
service -- US Space Forces -- with the mission of space control[!]''.

As all the above indicates, the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz cabal have had a 
long-standing program for the expansion of US hegemony. What it lacked was the 
``trigger'' to implement it or the existence of a serious enough ``threat'' that would 
convince the US people to abandon their desire for a ``peace dividend'' and their 
opposition to US war casualties abroad.

Which is why the 9/11 attacks were a godsend for the Bush gang. Washington immediately 
recognised the opportunity with which it was presented. As Bush junior's national 
security adviser Condoleezza Rice admitted: ``I really think this period is analogous 
to 1945 to 1947 in that the events ... started shifting the tectonic plates in 
international politics. And it's important to try to seize on that and position 
American interests and institutions before they harden again.''

Since 9/11, Bush's new centurions have fast-tracked the implementation of their agenda 
in case the ``window of opportunity'' closes. They have won a massive increase in 
military spending of US$48 billion, to US$379.3 billion, in 2002-2003. Adding 
non-Pentagon military spending, mostly by the energy department for the nuclear 
weapons program, total military spending will be US$396.1 billion.

A further US$38 billion is to be spent on ``homeland defence'' -- mainly for the 
plethora of US police agencies. Washington has projected that the war budget will 
steadily increase to more that US$451 billion by 2007, a 30% increase.

Washington has signalled -- with its repudiation of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse 
gas emissions, the war crimes provisions of the International Criminal Court and the 
Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty -- that US military, economic and political power will 
not be subject to any form of international constraint.

It has been revealed that the US has plans to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear 
states under guise of eliminating the threat of ``weapons of mass destruction''. There 
have also been reports that US special forces will soon be authorised to kill or 
capture ``terrorists'' anywhere in the world, whenever the opportunity arises, without 
having to obtain permission from the relevant government.

As a result of its war to overthrow the Taliban, Washington has secured a permanent 
military bases and stationed tens of thousands of troops for the first time in the 
increasingly strategic Central Asian region. From these bases, the US can more easily 
``contain'' Russia and China, control the emerging oil and gas resources of the 
Caspian Sea region, strengthen its hold over the Persian Gulf and increase further its 
military stranglehold on most of the world's vital energy resources.

Using the cover of the ``war on terrorism'', Washington has increased or resumed 
military funding for notoriously repressive regimes -- including as Yemen, Georgia, 
Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Colombia and the former Soviet Central Asian 
republics -- as well as sending thousands of troops and military advisers to help them 
crush anti-government movements.

Washington has given the green light for Russia to continue its brutal campaign 
against the Chechen freedom struggle and the Chinese government's repression of 
separatists in Xinjiang.

The September 11 attacks and the subsequent US ``war on terrorism'' has presented the 
US ruling-class warmongers with their biggest opportunity yet to ``cure'' the Vietnam 
syndrome. The greatest test of this will be the coming US invasion of Iraq.

Anti-war activists need to organise and mobilise in massive numbers to stop this war 
and to revive as rapidly as possible the seemingly dormant anti-war consciousness of 
the US people. Solidarity must be offered to the inevitable resistance to the 
imperialist warmongers that will develop throughout the US empire.

This essay originally appeared in the Australian Green Left Weekly. 

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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