On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, ^Shadown^ wrote:

> Dear Folks,
>       I'm sorry if anybody didn't like the subject, but is *that* important.
>       While a research I've developed a technique to literaly bypass *every* 
>security network software and device (*every* firewall, ids, etc), which become an 
>unstopable security risk for the hole security community, but I don't know the legal 
>term on how to post something like this.
>       And I need help on this, need people who may advice me on how to share this 
>       I'm really scared, because i.e "The arrest that happends after the DEFCON X 
>conference because of the *PDF security*", and I swear that this is a large *mayor* 
>security risk.
>       I will *NOT* answer any question about the new technique (the one I've 
>developed and applied) until I get adviced on how to post it *without* getting in 
>trouble, so please don't write to me because I'll delete them all.
>       I hope for your help.
>       Best Regards.
>       ^Shadown^
> PD: As this mail was sent to SecurityFocus, Vuln-Watch and Cert lists (last Friday) 
>and It wasn't posted, this msg and the information I'm gonna release will *not* be 
>allow to post or referenced on other lists but Full-Disclosure. (except by myself).
> Thnx.

Well, it's pretty obvious why they didn't post it. Honestly, and I'm not
trying to insult you, this is probably something you should keep to
yourself. The odds of you making an ass out of yourself seem pretty good
at this point. Anything's possible, but what you're describing sounds far
fetched to me. But hey, who knows? I've been wrong at least three times
this year, and we're barely a month into it. :)

- --
Jonathan Rickman
X Corps Security

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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