The fact is it we need to take measures that help children
understand hacking. This is hardly an issue of brain-
washing. It is an issue of survival as a society. The more
we help children understand about malicious hacking, the
less likely they will perform these acts later in life.
That only benefits society on a universal scale.

Imagine if someone could have influenced mafiaboy at an
early age against such "hacking".

Imagine if someone could have swayed the group of "hackers"
that destroyed a laboratory's long-term cancer research by
teaching them the necessity of universal survival as children.

The unfortunate part of a concept of "computer underground"
is that it tries to separate itself from a "mainstream" for
some sense of elitism. Its only use is to rationalize its
actions that would be snubbed by a form of society. But,
what is the sense of satisfying one's immediate desire for
elitism over a concept of survival? An individual can not
survive without its society surviving as well. Therefore,
negating society's survival with 'pranks' that destroy,
corrupt or hinder computer systems only helps to further
negate survival of the individual implementing the 'prank'.

Children need to be able to separate a fantastic concept of
pride and prejudice from the needs reality deems imperative
to the survival of a race.

"Blackhats" that deface web sites and waste bandwidth by utilizing
Denial of Service attacks are only hurting the 'free utopian
world' they claim to stand for. A true 'blackhat' is an
individual that works in the shadows, but, toward its own sense
of societal survival. An example of this is the 'blackhats' that
helped such organizations as the Cali and Medellin Cartels snoop
on the Coast Guard in order to evade government vehicles while
cartel agents delivered cocaine covertly. Another example would
be North Korean and Chinese 'blackhats' that help to evade
restrictions their government puts on what may or may not be
viewed on their internet connections.

"Whitehat" is the concept given to an individual that performs
security openly, benefiting the needs of society's already
laid down rule sets.

Due to the nature of man, no individual can only be whitehat or
blackhat. We must adhere to the needs of survival, which change
with our environment. Does that, however, justify needless
destruction and damage brought about by unstable outbursts of
emotion? A strong government invites the necessity of both
strains of "hat". No government, communist, republic or otherwise,
invites a man whose method is rooted in volatility.

There is no gray, only black and white.
The greatest players are the ones that discipline their minds.

'If we trust the motive, we can trust the man'

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