Schmehl, Paul L wrote:

IOW, make the list what it was intended to be; full *disclosure*, not full *discussion*.

awww, schuks, wtf...

I am in an odd mood. I feel like sticking my neck out there and have the spare domain and bits to do it so... to help with that and get full-disclosure back to disclosure I have created the list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you want to go off on rants or discuss this 'off topic' stuff or want to see what the collecive thought is or whatever please take it there. I like the thought of having a place to vent bout this crap, kinda like the list bad-attitude a former employer of mine hosted internally, anyone know where that was?

No moderation, no complaints, if someone actually subs to it I guess I will have to create a charter that says it is free reign as long as it relates to security at some point or maybe simply a link to

to subscribe

Flames to /dev/null please but if you want someone to get the mail point your flame to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;-)


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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