
> My impression is that until the
> vendors stepup up to the plate with a better commitment to responsible
> reselase of products, they will find that the research community continues
> to eye them with focused suspicion and outrght cynical spite.

Well, why should vendors do that? In fact, if you look at Microsoft's profit,
I would say it is rewarded for not doing this. Vendors simply supply the kind
of products people want. Aparently people love insecure programs. So that is
what they get.

The only way to change that is either vote with your dollars and euros or to
take the vendor to court and demand compensation for the damanges caused by
badly designed or buggy software. Neither really happens, so what incentive is
there for companies to change?

Peter Busser
The Adamantix Project
Taking trustworthy software out of the labs, and into the real world
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