I am not going to drag this out any further other than to say I'm not the
webmaster for CORE so I can't speak to their pages not having been current
1 or two years ago.

I guess the point is that I am not an investor in the here and now where
this issue is getting play. Not that this is even an issue, like most
people in this industry I invest in this industry. CORE was hardly the
first nor will it be the last security company I put money into - at the
end of the day its just what I do. The list decision was one around
accountability and credibility of people making claims on the *Pen-Test*
list (in Product Reviews). It's been played out a length and was quite
valuable, in particular to me. Arguments were made and positions were
modified (mine primarily). This is the great stuff of community. The
initial poster has been approved and I think we've a policy in place to
deal with things like this now. Next time I'll not make the mistake of
making carte blanche policy without consultation. It's a character flaw
which I tend to gravitate towards.

It's of no value to rehash the details here of the list dicsussion as it's
been a great deal of back and forth. For those with an interest the
archives are likely populated by now wherever you tend to read the
SecurityFocus lists.

> My post was a simple attempt to clarify things.

Yes of course it was! Silly me. It'd be pretty easy to let this one
degenerate but I'll pass. I rarely come out to play in public as it is and
this has been a full day.

And as for me dropping your messages to Pen-Test on a regular basis - this
is true. This also is likely not the forum for it's discussion unless
'Full Disclosure' as a topic and in this case as a list has lost all of
it's purpose. I'd be happy to entertain it in person since we live in the
same city or even on the phone. In any event this is my last foray onto
this list.


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