On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 14:57, Dan Stromberg wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 10:49, Myers, Marvin wrote:
> > Maybe it is only me, but does anyone else notice a big jump in the
> > number of merchants that are printing the entire credit card number
> > and expiration date on receipts?
> Shredders are your friends.  But don't let that stop you from
> complaining to the merchant in question.  Don't behead the person behind
> the counter - but maybe ask them to relay a message to their manager.
I've seen this quite a bit up here in Reno. Yet up here we have no
anti-identity theft, let alone other information security legislation.
My solution is to cross out with a pen all but the last 4 digits and the
expiry date on BOTH copies of the receipt. This has infuriated a few
local vendors, though it seems that most are easily educated on the
liability it poses.


Christopher Neitzert http://www.neitzert.com/~chris
chris(at)neitzert<dot>com - GPG Key ID: 7DCC491B

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