Product affected : Xavi X7028r DSL router

Description :

Telefonica offers to his clients in Spain and South America the possibility
of installing with his ADSL service a wireless router developed by XAVI .

This router is Universal Plug and Play capable and when it receives a
UPNP M-SEARCH request it answers offering an URL on his tcp port 280
with its characteristics and xml pages to interact with the device
As the length of the URL parameter is not checked in the HTTP request ,
sending GET , HEAD or TRACE requests with different lengths cause
a reboot on the router . PPP connection keeps active , but you will
have to disconnect and reconnect to use the connection again .

This can be used by a LAN user to cause a DOS . A remote user can
exploit this with a bit of interaction from a X7028r user ( clicking
on a link in a website vulnerable to XSS or visiting a webpage
can be enough as you can always access the upnp interface with IP address , at least in the default instalation
from Telefonica ) .


perl -e 'print "GET /"."A"x1008;print "\nHost:\n\n\n\n\n"'
| netcat -v -n 80

You can read this advisory in Spanish in

Regards ,

David F. Madrid ,
Madrid , Spain

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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