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While I'm unaware of any current virus that exhibits this behavior there
is a reasonable possibility to create one.  This possibility relies upon
1 of 2 conditions existing on the mail server:

1) A message parsing vulnerability such as the recent sendmail vulnerability
see http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/6991/discussion/

2) The server performs some message processing such as virus scanning
or spam checking.  This could exploit an application used in the processing
such as unzip, see http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/7550/discussion/

Since in both exploits the server is infected while processing part of
the message it may be possible for the message to still reach a recipient
and contain a 2nd virus payload.  Of course exploiting #1 and #2 requires
targeting a specific email server or package on a specific platform.

It would seem that this attack vector leads to the possibility of remotely
exploiting virus scanning engines and other tools that are used on mail


>Is anyone aware of a virus, transmitted via email, that is able to >exploit
the email server it resides on?
>User A is infected by virus
>User A sends email to friend
>Virus follows email and is stored on Email Server A
>Virus exploits Email Server A, infects other emails, causes world >domination,
>As far as I know this is not possible because the MTA should treat >the
virus as data, not code. Have there been any known cases of the >above?
I have done some research on Symantec's virii database, asked >around,
 etc. and haven't heard of anything.
>Joshua Thomas
>Network Operations Engineer
>PowerOne Media, Inc.
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