i confirm what joey said, the actual version do not
replicate itself, but it's very very easy to a
malicious lamer, to add options and commands to make a
harder worm.

indeed, the new version of the irc "worm" uses the
universal offsets
wich makes it more dangerous I think !


Stephen - Germany

--- Joey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i looked at the code and it is NOT a worm.
> It can be deployed on several computers very fast,
> but
> it doesn't have the ability self replicate itself
> from
> the target computer.
> basically this exploit sends a command to create a
> script for ftp.exe which it calls on by using "ftp
> -s
> scriptfile". The script contains the hostname,
> username, password, and file to download. then it
> runs
> the file after its done downloading.
> This can easily be modified to run multiple
> commands.
> You can set it to download a Self extracting rar/zip
> file and then run a batch file contained inside the
> SFX file after its done extracting.
> there is a very fine line between proof of concept
> code and worms. worms are highly illegal and if you
> publish the code you can be held responsible so make
> sure you are aware of this when posting here. this
> exploit is NOT a worm but the potential for it to be
> a
> worm is there...
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > hi folks,
> > 
> > already saw a re-edited one whitch has only two
> > targets (just as the last 
> > sploit by k-otik).
> > 
> > <cut>
> > /* RPC DCOM WORM v 2.3  - 
> >  * originally by volkam, fixed and beefed by
> > uv/graff
> >  * even more original concept by LSD-pl.net
> >  * original code by HDM 
> >  *
> >  * --
> >  * This code is in relation to a specific DDOS
> > botnet project.
> >  * You may edit the code, and define which ftp to
> > login
> >  * and which .exeutable file to recieve and run.
> >  * I use spybot, very convienent
> >  * -
> >  * So basicly script kids and brazilian children,
> > this is useless to you
> >  * 
> >  * -
> >  * shouts: darksyn - true homie , giver of 0d4yz,
> > and testbeds
> >  *         volkam  - top sekret agent man 
> >  *         ntfx    - master pupil 
> >  *         jpahk   - true homie #2
> >  *         k3r0m   - made that shit universal (2
> > targets WinXP - Win2k)
> >  *
> >  * Legion2000 Security Research (c) 2003 
> >  * - 
> >  *  enjoy! 
> > 
> > 
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