Nick FitzGerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>I cannot see anything "special" in the MIME structure of Mimail that would
>>>>cause f-prot to miss the ZIP attachment (or maybe it is the structure of
>>>>the ZIP that f-prot cannot unpack?).
>>> I was told its the encoding scheme in the .html file thats the problem. 
>>> Currently the scanner does not support that type of encoding.
>> It seems to me that the HTML contains the binary EXE without any encoding:
>> $ cat -v message.html | fold | head -5
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Location:File://foo.exe
> What's that then?
> Moon dust????

Yes :-)
Does not f-prot understand MIME? (Maybe it does MIME but not within MHTML,
that is not without some other headers?)

>>> Regardless, f-prot should list the ZIP attachment, and the files contained
>>> within the ZIP ...
> I'm not sure I understand the comment or its relevance.  If F-PROT is 
> not listing the ZIP file nor the HTML file it contains, that may be the 
> result of some configuration option.  By default, F-PROT only lists 
> "infected" files ...

But ... I did use the -LIST option, and normally (for innocent ZIP
archives) I get the files listed, see below (and in my earlier post).


School of Mathematics and Statistics  University of Sydney   2006  Australia


# In the example below, mimail is a copy of that virus; caraoke is a trojan
# that I trapped a week before mimail started, and has essentially the same
# structure; silly is an innocent(?) message.

$ f-prot silly virus/caraoke virus/mimail
Do: ~/nb/m/f-prot/f-prot/f-prot silly virus/caraoke virus/mimail -ai -archive -packed 
Virus scanning report  -  5 August 2003 @ 14:25

Program version: 4.1.1
Engine version: 3.13.3

SIGN.DEF created 1 August 2003
SIGN2.DEF created 2 August 2003
MACRO.DEF created 28 July 2003

Search: silly virus/caraoke virus/mimail
Action: Report only
Files: Attempt to identify files

/usr/users/amstaff/psz/virus/caraoke->>readme.htm  is a security risk or a 
"backdoor" program

Results of virus scanning:

Files: 3
MBRs: 0
Boot sectors: 0
Objects scanned: 6
Infected: 0
Suspicious: 1
Disinfected: 0
Deleted: 0
Renamed: 0

Time: 0:00
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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