On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 16:09:21 EDT, Michael Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> Ya right - I find it amusing that every time something "bad" happens there is
> a group in the Middle East ready to take credit for it. I believe that the
> blaster worm had a better chance at bring down the power plants then Al Qaida
> or some other primitive group.
> If they are taking responsibility for the power outage then the plant would of 
> definitely exploded. 

Well.. the *official* story is that a power line sagged into a tree.

Let's see.. some good stout non-conducting rope.. toss it over the line.. hook
it to a truck.. and help it out just a *little* bit...

Hmm.. anybody know where the Presidential motorcade was at the time? ;)  There
was a thing on NANOG recently about a spotter plane getting in trouble for
flying a route along a transmission line, but he got within 30 miles of the

And of course the information is published as an alert to pilots about the
closed airspace - which means the Bad Guys know when/where they don't have to
worry about spotter planes.

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