In my opinion, this is just a sad attempt to deflect responsibility away from Microsoft Corporation.  Yeah, the kid is quite foolish for making himself such an easy scapegoat...but I'm sure the prosecutors will push for more punishment than he deserves since the ORIGINAL virus writer(s) have not been named.  Now, every asshole in America will be talking about this kid at work, dinner parties, vacation, etc.  I can just see it now...
- "Did you hear about the kid in Minnesota that wrote that virus? couldn't turn on your computer because it kept rebooting?"
- "Oh yeah...I had to pay $50 to get that fixed at Joe's computer shop...they caught the guy?"
- "Yeah...hes in big trouble"
The problem is that governments and corporations own the media and this story is not going to be represented in a fair way to John Q. Public.  I feel very sorry for the kid...he's only in high school and now he'll probably have a criminal record (federal).
Kris Hermansen

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