I think we have lost the point of the thread CyberInsecurity: The Cost of
Monopoly which states your exact point that diversity is the most important
aspect of network protection.  It clearly states, and I agree, that
Microsoft has been the biggest danger to that diversity by creating a
monolithic Tower of Babel that could all come crashing down at the
displacement of a single foundation stone.

Information Security Engineer
DP Solutions


If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked.
What's more, you deserve to be hacked.
-- former White House cybersecurity zar Richard Clarke

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 11:02 AM
To: '*Hobbit*'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [inbox] RE: [Full-Disclosure] CyberInsecurity: The cost of

Wouldn't this have been better posted in alt.religious?

And, to wit - working in a completely homogenous environment with Microsoft
products, Red Hat, AIX, Tandem, much custom written apps, and the platform
chosen for the best APPLICATION fit (remember - it doesn't really matter if
you prefer Linux if the business drivers DICTATE an APP that only runs on
Windows, and CygWin, wine, etc. are not options), I think I can speak to
both sides of the argument.

BTW - Don't care about certs....

Do I personally feel like I've wasted 10+ years of MY life?  No - absolutely

Do I take PRIDE in my WORK? Absolutely yes.  Working to integrate and
interoperate disparate platforms and OSs to provide a cohesive Business
solution is both challenging and enlightening.  One learns the best of both
worlds - and is not hobbled by prejudice and raw hate for a given product or
company.  (However, SCO is on the real strong dislike list.....)

Would I change?  Nope - I like flexibility and the ability to choose a
solution based on what the requirements are - not because someone has
dictated a given OS is the only one we support.  That thinking would have
kept Linux out of our environment, and there would be more MS product.....

I'm also not so hard headed to realize that diversity is a good thing - in
computing, and in life.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of *Hobbit*
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 7:44 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] CyberInsecurity: The cost of Monopoly

I gotta love how all the Microsoft victims get all defensive when someone
implies that they've spent the last decade+ ruining their own careers and
wasting time running in tiny circles getting pretty much nowhere.

Do you guys honestly take PRIDE in your WORK??  What, and tacking MCS* after
your name doesn't count, have you actually ACCOMPLISHED?  How would things
be different today if you had spent all that time helping to bring
open-source up to today's level of expected functionality and designing the
future, instead of scratching your heads late at night over obscurely ailing
Exchange servers and service packs that broke all your apps?  Why won't you
admit to yourselves that in the big picture, you could have gone a different
and more rewarding way, if you'd only started out right so long ago?  If you
were given a second chance now, would you change?



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