Title: Message
Checkpoint NG with Application Intelligence will look into the stream and block applications like Kazaa.  This is their new product release level, and they have radically changed their pricing and market focus...so don't assume that they are unaffordable.  You can also set checkpoint to block VPN's that try to use common ports to tunnel thru the firewall...like their new vpn client can do now....kind of ironic that they can tunnel IPSEC thru firewalls and they also developed the ability to block that in their own firewall product.  I am configuring two of these here right now, and that is one of the issues that the customer wants resolved.
-Bryan K. Watson
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 9:37 AM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Blocking Music Sharing.

Due to the legal issues, I am trying to block access to sites like Kazaa and Limewire in the office.  If I am not mistaken, these networks can use different ports each time, so there is no way to block it at the firewall.  Is this right?  And if so, what is the best way to block access to these types of sites?
Many thanks,
Mark J. 

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