On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Jonathan Grotegut wrote:

> Correct me if I'm wrong but how is holding down the shift key
> "distributing tools for breaking through digital piracy safeguards"?
> Shouldn't the keyboard manufacturers be sued since they are the ones
> that made the "shift" key and distributed it?

No, they shouldn't - the 'tool' in question isn't a physical item (like a
hammer or a keyboard), it's the procedure of holding down the shift key.

Distributing this idea is what SunnComm have issues with - although any
company worth their salt should not be relying on a 'feature' such as
autorun that Microsoft themselves publish methods for disabling through
TweakUI and careful editing of the registry.

I hope that this lawsuit gets thrown out at the first opportunity. And
then Sony/Phillips go after SunnComm for using the 'Compact Disc'
trademark erroneously.

Steven Harrison

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