Hello Bipin,

Before I begin, please understand that this is just a
friendly advice for you, not a flame.

You seem to do a lot of hunting for bugs on your
WinXP. That is good, but, please understand that
some(emphasis on "some") of the stuff you put out is
worthy of being on a security list, while most is not.
Why do you think you get flamed so much while hundreds
of other posters dont? Certainly, not everyone else on
this list, other than you, is a Script Kiddie?
Following the logical conclusion, something is wrong
with you. Dont you think so? Do some introspection...

Your biggest problem seems to be that though you have
an inquisitive mind, you are not able to understand
what bugs constitute a security vuln. You cannot, yet,
distinguish between a simple anomalous situation and a
security threat for even the simplest of bugs. One
piece of advice - get someone knowledgeable to review
your reports before you Gator ;D the lists with them.
If need be, get a mentor of some kind, whom, you can
trust to read through your reports.

And take some English classes...

--- Bipin Gautam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Well, i never knew the old bug exist...

You would have, if you had cared to Google a little.
For instance,


Do you Yahoo!?
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