Sorry for the thread hijacking I am going to do:

I will summarize some of more relevant (to my opinion) comments I read
today on this list:

Someone wrote:
>> The companies aren't the thing.  The people are the thing.  This isn't
>> corporate america, it is open source.
> Exactly why I think the GPL needs to address issues like this.  I've no
> problem with a commercial entity using my code, or even incorporating
> it into their own software...but if you're going to make a profit off
> of merely redistributing someone else's work, or if your product is
> basically someone else's work with a little wrapper around it, the
> author should benefit.  Bottom line, open source licensing is designed
> to protect the author and benefit the community - and the GPL isn't
> doing a very good job at that now that redistribution is
> commercialized.

And someone else:
> Now that RH has
> gone whoring for money, SuSe is probably the closest thing to providing
> a full desktop I'm going to support that until they follow
> in RH's footsteps.

And someone else:
> SuSe: the most promising, which is why they'll probably be next to screw
> the Linux community.

And again:
> I guess you have to pay for SuSe CDs now huh?  They're not even
> available on their FTPs, only a README file
> (
> explaining how they "need your money" and to just make do with FTP if
> you don't want to buy the CDs.  Seems to me like SuSe is definitely next
> in line behind RedHat to go commercial.  I've no problem paying to
> support a company like SuSe, but when they come to expect to get paid by
> even home users for redistributing someone else's hard work it's truly
> sad.

Well, if nobody noticed.... SUSE has been bought by NOVELL:

So it's happened. It was in the air.
They have indeed been the second in this movement of going badly commercial.

Now, could we please return to our schedule of Security Disclosure
information on this list, since this subject is off-topic ?

Don't get me wrong: I don't like seeing the rights of the community being
walked over by corporations.I am shocked as everybody else.

Just ....shall we take this discussion off-list or on another list ?
Maybe some list about LINUX and not about security ?

With Best regards,

Daniele Muscetta

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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