On Tuesday 04 November 2003 11:09, Eric Bowser wrote:
> Points well taken and agreed.  :-)
> On a slightly different (off) topic, I wonder how prepared RedHat is to
> prevent and pursue the piracy that plagues MicroSoft products...
> On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 13:00, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
> [SNIP]
> > If I knew someone who had RHEL I would ask him to make a copy of it
> > without the non-Free parts like Java et all.
> [SNIP]

What piracy?  Buying one copy and installing it 100 times is perfectly legal 
-- just don't try and get away with RHN support for those 100 machines on 
only 1 copy.

As far as the non-free software included -- don't provide support.

RH makes money off of SUPPORT, not necessarily selling software.  That was the 
whole point of shifting things to RHEL and Fedora.  99% of the people who 
want the "free" software will do fine with Fedora.  RHEL is specifically for 
those who want longer shelf-life and support.  You know, businesses.

MS has piracy because their model is to make money off the SALE OF THE 
SOFTWARE.  Red Hat's model is to make money off of the SUPPORT of the 

How do you pirate support?

Charles E. Hill
Technical Director
Herber-Hill LLC

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