News from the future:

April 2, 20??-- WASHINGTON -- A young man was
sentenced to 30 years 
in prison accused of Information Terrorism, this was
the first case of a man 
judged and sentenced under the Information Terrorism

John Doe (aka X4582) was found guilty after a long
trial. Last year 
on January 13, X4582 sent a message to Bugtraq (a well
known information 
secuirty mailing list that only discuss new
information security technologies),
the message seemed a normal post to the mailing but in
the process previous
to the approval, Symantec engineers found that the
message was encoded and 
it detailed a new critical bug in a Microsoft product.
The message was obfuscated 
with an old and simple technique that consist in
hidding a message in an 
inoffensive looking text. -We found it by a mistake,
we are always searching
for advanced techniques but we were fooled in the past
by this simple 
technique- said in confidential a Symantec engineer
that don't want his 
name to be mentined. Under the Information Terrorism
Act it's forbidden to 
public disclose vulnerabilities without following the
strict rules created by
OIS(Organization for Internet Safety) and the
violatioin of this law it's 
considered a terrorist attack.
@Stake experts tried to track down X4582 for several
months without success,
because of that Microsoft decided to offer a bounty of
$1,000,000 for information
that lead to the capture of X4582, also OIS decided to
put X4582 at first place in
most wanted computer criminals list
( After 
a month the FBI found and arrested X4582, thanks to
information provided by Microsoft
(it's believed that X4582 was betrayed by a friend).
This case had a lot of media attention and was a great
victory for Microsoft and OIS, however 
this was a controversial case -My client had all the
information in his computer strongly
encrypted and he ran the latest Microsoft operating
system that it's considered the most 
secure OS in the market, we don't know how the proves
were got- said X4582 attorney. There
are some theories in the underground that affirm that
the latest version of Microsoft 
operating system have backdoors for use of goverment
agencies, this remains in theory because
it's also forbidden under Information Terrorism act to
reverse engineering software 
and public release details. 
-We are very happy, this victory help us to continue
fighting against Information Terrorism,
if X4582 would have succed and the information would
have been disclosed, all the American 
infrastructure would be at risk becuase our products
are widely used by most organizations and
companies- said a Microsoft spokeman.

This seems incredible? i don't think so.

PS: sorry, i'm not a good writer.


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