On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 20:36:59 CST, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> Just curious....why wouldn't you use 'shutdown -r now'?

% uname -rsv
IRIX64 6.5 10151453

% man shutdown

shutdown(1M)                                                      shutdown(1M)

     shutdown - shut down system, change system state

     cd /; /etc/shutdown [ -y ] [ -ggrace_period [ -iinit_state ] [ -p ]

OK.. Let's check another box...

% uname -rsv
SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-22
% man shutdown
Reformatting page.  Please Wait... done

Maintenance Commands                                 shutdown(1M)

     shutdown - shut down system, change system state

     /usr/sbin/shutdown [ -y ]  [ -g grace-period ]   [  -i init-
     state ]  [ message ]

You see a -r in either of those?  I don't.

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