On Saturday 20 December 2003 13:21, gazpa wrote:
> But.... where are that weapons???
> It's the size of the weapons so little, that are in a tobaco box into an
> Iraki pocket????
> But you said that USA have that weapons.... what is the diference???
> USA is the only country in the world that have used Nuclear bombs, and
> many countryes have that weapons...
> All the world is scared.... scared by USA...
> Who is the next ¿? the lotery starts....
> (Sorry because off-topic, but when I read that things I feel forced to
> reply....)

Lets play a game.

I'll take 12 half-gallon jugs. I'll also take ~10 years to hide these objects 
in a space as large as Iraq. When the 10 years is up, you find them.

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