Tobias Weisserth wrote:

There is no such thing as a WinXP box with all current patches :-) Since
installing all patches that Microsoft makes available still doesn't mean
every critical bug is fixed you should find out as much as possible
about the unfixed bugs. For example there is still a URL spoofing bug in
the Internet Explorer 6 which hasn't been fixed for more than 2 months.
I am pretty sure there are lots more. The dilemma is that MS doesn't
seem to think full-disclosure is the way to go...

All that aside, using existing patches and NOT using software with known vulns such as IE. There are unfortunately a select few sites where IE is required. Those are dwindling, and more importantly can usually be avoided altogether.

The sad part is, I *have* to keep a functional current version of IE on the system, if only for testing reasons. It would be nice if there was a very simple way to disable its integrated functions easily when not in use.

Consider using alternative software in the meantime, thus replace IE6
with Mozilla and so on.

Of course. Many of the stock Windows components are removed or replaced. Notepad is a classic example, replaced by Textpad. Cygwin (with a lower case "w", ahem) is used for its toys and cross training. Putty for Telnet, stuff like that.

You have to find out if there are any known vulnerabilities to the
services you use and if yes, how to fix them. It's a pity pivX took
their list offline. Instead they are promoting personal firewalls now in
association with MS...

PivX's original list (or its content) lives on, just in a different location.

Be sure to keep it patched. Static pages are good (no possibility of
injecting parameters). Check whether the cgi-bin directory is accessible
from the outside! (shouldn't be by default)

Again, of course. It has a properly tweaked httpd.conf, and while I do keep a cgi-bin directory accessible and readable it has nothing of consequence in it. More of a nose-tweak if anything.

Mozilla with Java and JS disabled in email

If you want to protect your privacy then disable HTML displaying in your
mail client and forbid the loading of external content from within a
displayed mail.

HTML rendering is disabled, as well as remote images. Pop-ups are toast, and images only loaded from orig server in browsing. Bayesian Junk filters enabled and well trained.

A personal firewall is not bad. It's an addition. But it's not the cure.
If you are sure the intended users of the machine know what to do with
all the interactions that are required to run a personal firewall then
install one. It will be hard to configure your hardware router so that
it stops specific processes from connecting _to_ the Internet (in
contrast to _from_). A personal firewall can be of much use here, taken
the users know to use it.

Perhaps, but they're annoying as hell. It's a risk I'll accept. As a single user machine it has outbound connections manually monitored, and no (known) rogue software.

Some AV software should be running at all times.

Why? SA runs on the (remote) mail server, stripping all executables and classic MS hangers on (scr, com, bat, etc....) as well as tagging Virus and filtering those in Moz.

There are usable
products available for free, personal use only of course. Have a look at

F-Prot, and others tried.

Be sure to get rid of adware too. Use Adaware or Spybot regularly.

Ad-aware run *very* occasionally. Executable binaries almost always go through MD5 checksum vetting before install. No browser plug-ins allowed.

Additional measures: Have some sort of bootable live CD available. There
are a lot of Linux based live CD available on the Internet which contain
f-prot and lots of recovery and diagnostic tools. It's very handy to
have one of those lying around.

I keep a copy of Knoppix handy and updated. I may try out something else soon.

Thanks... gives me something more to chew on.

Obviously, this is FAR from your average Windows users box. I'm quite aware of threats and have even discovered a few myself.

Our resident Grandma posting made *me* realize that not having to reformat often (because of this same awareness, never) is a good thing.


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