> not lose your keys on purpose

Does anyone lose their keys on purpose? :-)

As I stated originally, you can reduce the risk but you can never alleviate
it entirely. Windows can be broken, locks can be picked, heck, use a
chainsaw and you can slice right through pretty much any part of it. Of
course, it requires physical presence which raises the risk of being caught,
hence it's not very likely. Conversely, using the Internet to anonymously
launch exploits is pretty much risk-free - some might argue it's ideally
suited to the cowardly criminal. Sometimes smarts plays a part, but never

Now, MS has made bad decisions but they are not unique in this regard. They
certainly have more at stake, given the numbers of users, thus their bad
decisions tend to be very high profile. I suspect that when and if they
achieve their Trusted Computing goals, many of the same anti-MS folks will
shift their focus to complaining about the privacy and censorship issues it
brings to the table. Ironically, the very people who seek to publicly decry
and exploit every MS flaw are the ones who are helping to force TC into
reality. For more on the implications, see

-- Mary

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