> On Sat, 07 Feb 2004 11:05:38 EST, KF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>Use a friggin subject line fools!
> OK.. I'll bite. What subject line do you recommend for pointless mail? ;)

I could care less... so long as it is something relating to the email that is being sent. When you have 3 people posting (no subejct) conversations talking about different things its obviously hard to follow.

Searching my inbox as an example I have one that was from 1[at]malware.com perhaps should have been titled "Quite a nifty email scam ", Some weird poem from auto33661[at]hush.ai that could have been titled "To those who are in love ", One from jkuperus[at]planet.nl that could be "Minor IE System Info Disclosure".

Its really NOT that big of a deal... certainly didn't think it required much discussion. Just a pet peave in regards to following threads.

/end of conversation - no need for more un necessary traffic.

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