Oddly enough, this was posted to Slashdot today:

"Stolen Laptop Alarms"


Read the /. article here:


Gadi Evron said:
> I think this may interest some people here.
> I always say, whenever laptops are mentioned: "Forget everything else, I
> have nightmares already!".
> The loss of information due to laptop thefts is extremely high, here is
> an innovation that may possibly be as useless as car theft alarms
> (unless you are nearby and didn't leave the laptop in the car), but it's
> a good start. This may actually be useful.
> What I'd like to see is a GPS device with wireless communication to my
> cell phone. It can be a quiet indicator, or perhaps ring when it is
> being moved.. or even when I move too far away from it.
> You can find the article at:
> http://www.canada.com/vancouver/story.html?id=511952d3-89a0-4a03-a092-be29eaeb346f
>       Gadi Evron.
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comes short again and again, who knows
the great enthusiasms, the great
devotions, and spends himself in a
worthy cause; who at best, knows the
triumph of high achievement;
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