Hello Nick,
why are you so unfriendly?

* Nick FitzGerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-28 20:19]:
> > everyone can read this.
> > i make the test, i write a mail do the list with bcc to the list.
> Chopper -- what part of "your Email config is broken", as you have been 
> shown in several ways already, did you not understand?

i am native german speaker ;-)

> Just crawl back under your rock and STFU because you clearly do not 
> know what you are talking about _NOR_ have any appreciation that "it 
> works like that on my system therefore that is how it is supposed to 
> work" might be an invalid assumption.

at the time i read the first mail of this thread i tested it on my
on this time i doesn't know, that i have a fault in my configuration, so
sorry, that i hadn't the same opinion as you.

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