
The grammar of this alert has left me somewhat curious, and I was wondering if you 
could take a moment to clarify a few quick questions from a fan of the l0pht, such as 

The vulnerability assessment of this is listed as MEDIUM.  Also, the word may is used, 
instead of will.  So my questions are as follows:

1) Is a bug that yields local root privilages on a widespread commercial Unix only a 
medium risk?

2) Was atstake unable to verify whether or not this exploitable, hence the "may be 
exploitable", instead of "A local unprivileged user can gain unauthorized root 

I often find the grammar used in security advisories and briefs to be confusing, and 
I'm forced to wonder if the wording is deliberate.  Historically, when security 
companies have made claims that they could not verify, they have been dealt with in a 
very public, and very humilitating fashion, so I rather suspect that meticulous care 
is put in the phrasing without making any brash unverified statements, that could 
cause such embarassment to said company.

Knowing you, and having the utmost respect for your views on full disclosure and the 
free exchange of information and ideas, I look forward to your response on this matter.

As I stated earlier, I have always been a big fan of The l0pht - and further that 
nc.exe has forever changed my life.

Incidently, to all the children out there reading the mailing lists - listening to The 
Crystal Method is acceptable behavior, but using crystal meth is not.

Chris, I look forward to your speedy reply to this email. 

On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 11:21:28AM -0500, Chris Wysopal wrote:
> O-088: Sun passwd(1) Command Vulnerability
> [Sun Alert ID: 57454]
> March 2, 2004 22:00 GMT
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PROBLEM: The passwd command computes the hash of a password typed at
> run-time or the hash of each password in a list. A vulnerability exists in
> this command.
> PLATFORM: Solaris 8, 9 (SPARC and x86 Platforms)
> DAMAGE:  A local unprivileged user may be able to gain unauthorized root
> privileges due to a security issue involving the passwd(1) command.
> SOLUTION: Install the security patch.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ASSESSMENT: The risk is MEDIUM. A local unprivileged user may be able to
> gain unauthorized root privileges.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   ORIGINAL BULLETIN: Sun Alert ID: 57454

- -Jay

   (    (                                                        _______
   ))   ))   .-"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"-.   >====<--.
 C|~~|C|~~| (>------ Jay D. Dyson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------<) |    = |-'
  `--' `--'  `-------- Si latinam satis simiis doces, --------'  `------'
              `--- quandoque unus aliquid profundum dicet ---'

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