
I think Gadi is being maligned.

He has raised a few questions relevant to the purpose of this list and instead of curteous helpful replies has received (mostly) abuse.

My responses:

FD probably can't be filtered to remove viruses without also removing other code, etc., the dissemination of which is part of the reason for this list.

If there is evidence of this list being used to deliberately release new viruses into the wild then it is up to the *members* of the list to take appropriate action as they are the intended victims.

Non-deliberate virus infected postings to this list and individual members (as a result of harvesting their previous postings) are inevitable. Members should be responsible for their own protection (i.e. use an AV program or a non-vulnerable mail program or OS [OK, OK, I know there's no such thing]). Or use a publicly available free webmail service to post to the list (I do).

The charter should be altered to explicitly say that, as with all such mailing lists/forums, malware will be sent to the list and that it is the responsiblity of the member, rather than the list owner, to protect their data/equipment/time/etc. (It may already say that - who reads these things anyway?)


Don't be abusive, just state your opinion. Evidence is better than flaming.

Let's stop this thread unless there is further evidence.

   Does HoTMaiL come with a spell checker?

From: Gadi Evron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Stuart Fox (DSL AK)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] viruses being sent to this list
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 06:27:08 +0200

Hash: SHA1

| It would seem that the weight of opinion might be against you on this one,
| I'd give up while you're still only marginally behind...

I will defend my opinion here, as I unwisely committed to this
discussion, a while longer. As I am permitted to by the list charter,
which I am defending, as it has been breached.

Throw some new arguments at me other than personal insults (not your
specifically) or repeats, and I'd gladly attempt to answer them.

        Gadi Evron.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32)


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