I would even go so far as to say tht the good-guys (the NSA) has better
knowledge, technology, and resources than the bad guys (terrorists).  The
good-guys have, basically, unlimited funds and the approval of the
government to use said funds, whether it's openly apporved or approved as a
$500 hammer or $2500 toilet.

  Now of course, if they are monitoring ALL internet traffic, we've all been
flagged because we've used NSA and terrorists in the same e-mail.  Good
thing we didn't mention anything about m-16's or poison gas bombs, or
anything like that too!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cael Abal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Wiretap or Magic Lantern?

> Hash: SHA1
> | 2., The terrorsts are not stupid, they use strong encryption and there
> | is proof that PGP repels NSA.
> Hi Tamas,
> Although I agree with some of your post, I have to take exception to
> this point.  What proof are you referring to?  All conspiracy theories
> aside, it's silly to assume that the good guys have approximately the
> same levels of technology, knowledge and resources as the bad guys.
> Myself, I'll wait until I'm given a tour of the NSA's secret underground
> bunkers before I make any claims as to what the NSA can and cannot do.  :)
> Cael
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
> iD8DBQFAdAnNR2vQ2HfQHfsRAjvOAJ9hBAzHT4CYsJ+kYy1/CDx5rAQEWwCghjcw
> R3frpGXlvwhlSORC/jLJaTw=
> =hvt0
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