On Friday 23 April 2004 5:27 am, Tomokazu Suzuki wrote:
> Joe Stewart wrote:
> > Scans port 135 for MS03-039 "DCOM2" vulnerability
> > Scans port 139 for MS03-049 Workstation vulnerability
> > Scans port 1433 for weak MSSQL administrator passwords
> > Scans port 2082 for CPanel vulnerability (OSVDB ID: 4205)
> > Scans port 2745 for backdoor left by the Bagle Virus
> > Scans port 3127 for MyDoom.A backdoor
> > Scans port 5000 for MS01-059 UPnP vulnerability
> > Scans port 6129 for Dameware vulnerability (OSVDB ID: 3042)
> > Scans port 80 for MS03-007 WebDav vulnerability
> > Scans ports 135, 445 and 1025 for MS03-032 vulnerability
> > Scans ports 139 and 445 for weak Netbios passwords
> Could it exploit MS03-032 vulnerability via 135, 445 and 1025 ?
> The vulnerability exists in IE.

Apologies, that should have read MS03-026, the DCOM vulnerability used 
by Blaster. 


Joe Stewart, GCIH 
Senior Security Researcher
LURHQ http://www.lurhq.com/

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