On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 16:18, Ron DuFresne wrote:
> On Mon, 17 May 2004, Michael Gargiullo wrote:
> > On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 11:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > >
> > > Uhmm, irregardless is not a word. The word is regardless.
> >
> >
> > For years trying to explain this to people...  Now if only I could
> > convince my sister-in-law that she should not ax me a question about an
> > idear she had...
> >
> irÃÂreÃÂgardÃÂless    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (r-gÃÂrdls)
> adv. Nonstandard
>     Regardless.
> [Probably blend of irrespective, and regardless.]
>     Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be
> correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in
> nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the
> early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being
> an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical
> absurdity of combining the negative ir- prefix and -less suffix in a
> single term. Although one might reasonably argue that it is no different
> from words with redundant affixes like debone and unravel, it has been
> considered a blunder for decades and will probably continue to be so.

Seriously, This is how languages develop.  Someone butchers / creates a
word, and it spreads.

Other famous examples:

google - verb

Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good - Thank you Run DMC

and, my favorite.

The same dictionary defines "shizzle"

 [Probably blend of Mexican Gold, and stink weed]

        Usage note:  shizzle is a word that many people credit to a Mr. Snoop


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