On Monday 24 May 2004 12:41, Giannakis Eleftherios wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> are there any known issues concerning rootkits, backdoors, cmd execution
> concerning an irc(with ssl) client ? I use the irssi client to conect to a
> irc server with ssl.Is there a way for the admins of the irc server to
> open/intrude somehow to my pc(through the high port that the client opens
> to conect to the server)? The server listens to TCP port 9999.
> Thanks a lot!

I cannot comment on your specific setup, but be aware that irc, by its very 
nature, can pose a hazard.  For instance through an exploitable local script, 
getting someone to run something with social engineering, and a whole bag of 
tricks in DCC connections, depending on how bugfree your client is...

There is also the issue of stepping on the wrong toes and possibly getting 
DDoS'ed out of existence by some 'l33t irc g0d', but that is not a security 
hole, it's more of a social thing.

Yes of course I'm sure it's the red cable. I guarante[^%!/+)F#0c|'NO CARRIER

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