
>Message: 21
>Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 00:08:23 +0200
>From: Axel Pettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: API
>Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] anyone seen this worm/trojan  before?

>"Perrymon, Josh L." wrote:
>> I found this worm/ trojan on a laptop. Ran FPort and found the .exe.
>> Doesn't look like it propagates to other machines but rather communicates
>> with a compromised
>> web companies server using IRC. The compromised server has removed the
>> service. Only sends RST packets back.
>> I would like to know the attack vectors. I'm guessing LSASS.

>AntiVirus scanners identify our trojan as:

>BitDefender : Backdoor.SDBot.Gen
>Kaspersky   : Backdoor.Rbot.gen
>McAfee      : W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.g 
>Symantec    : W32.Spybot.Worm 
>Trend Micro : WORM_SPYBOT.AP

>From a quick look at the file I'd say the following is the best 
>description of that trojan. There're several attack vectors ...


>Axel Pettinger

I'd like to throw something in here. While scanning with Spybot 1.3 it came
to a halt with an error. The error was an
"Xabot" error. After many attempts to figure this out I searched Xabot. This
lead to Symantics site 
and http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/analyses/w32sdbotna.html where it is
associated with Sdbot. 

Well, for sure I am having a hell of a time finding it as all conventional
means have failed. 3 online scans. 3 scans in safe mode. Hijack This,
Swat-it, Bazooka and still Spybot is halted with the error. I uninstalled
Spybot three times. It seems I have a remnant somewhere.

thank you
Randall M

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