On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 11:04:47PM +1000, Kane Lightowler said:
> Yes that is correct, you can walk into alot of mobile stores and they will upgrade 
> the firmware for you at a price.

Here in the US they don't all charge.  Cingular has upgraded firmware on
more than one of my phones before for free.

> Honestly how many mobile phone users do you know that would.....
> a) know that this service exists..
> b) pay for this service..

Generally unless there is a problem that crashes their phone, it's going
to be a small number.  In fact, often even if it crashes the phone,
people won't think to address the problem unless it crashes a lot.

Shawn McMahon      | Let's set the record straight. There is no argument
EIV Consulting     | over the choice between peace and war, but there is
UNIX and Linux     | only one guaranteed way you can have peace - and you
http://www.eiv.com | can have it in the next second - surrender. - Reagan

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