On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 23:30:06 +0200, Jean-Marie Monnier
> I think this is grossly off topic, and hiding behind a "n3td3v"  mask
> doesn't give you any right to insult the intelligence of our fellow
> americans (not being one gives me the right to defend them, I think,
> although most of the people you intend to offend won't even bother replying 
> to this kind of bovine manure.... read: you own B.S.) Happy Halloween to all
> ! :-) 

Hiding behidn a n3td3v mask? Do you want to to give you my home
address, and I ask why would you would want my home address. Maybe to
commit an unlawful offence, or perhaps to send me a nice bunch of
flowers, i don't think so.

Maybe you just mean my first and last name? Well how many people use
real first name and last name on here, lets put this into prospectus.
Whta if i say my name is Jason Edwards from london, would you be
satisfied with that. or are you reall as i first expressed afetr my
home address, and the reasons you may want that have already been
covered in the above.

No it wasn't a baited e-mail just to wind people up. This is the
problem with some americans, when you try and tell them about the
truth of whats happening in the world, they think you are having a
laugh or are insane. Trsut me all of what I covered in the previous
e-mail is actually whats going on in the world.



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