Paul Schmehl wrote:

Here's a suggestion for you. Google for "Oil for Food". Once you're done reading, come back here and tell us how Germany, France and Russia were *not* in bed with Sadaam, buying oil at great discounts in exchange for weapons sales and other favors - in material violation of the UN sanctions that all three countries signed - and how Kofi Annan's own son wasn't also involved in the corruption.

From,12271,1266328,00.html ...

Meanwhile, Cheney was busy developing Halliburton's business in other parts of the world. "It is a false dichotomy that we have to choose between our commercial and other interests," he told the [public policy research foundation] Cato Institute in 1998, speaking out against economic sanctions levied by the Clinton administration against countries suspected of terrorist activity. "Our government has become sanctions-happy," he continued.

In particular, Cheney objected to sanctions against Libya and Iran, two countries with which Halliburton was already doing business regardless. Even more disconcerting, though, was the work the company did in Iraq. Between his stints as secretary of defence and vice-president, Cheney was in charge of Halliburton when it was circumventing strict UN sanctions, helping to rebuild Iraq and enriching Saddam Hussein.

There's also plenty of other references to this if you google.

What was that you were saying, Paul? Did you even have a point? Your own man did it and you have the gall to shake a finger at the European people?

Oh yeah... you were talking about how people were ignorant of the facts.... right...


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