/me shakes her head at Andrew Farmer.

Okay, now it's just ridiculous to suggest that you wouldn't be able to
implement a time limitation on something encrypted simply because
"clocks can be changed".

What 'clocks' are talking about -- which are you basing it off of?

What if you decided to code into the encryption the use of atomic
clocks, and include more than one or two as a redundancy/security

Someone's really going create a huge conspiracy to change a few of the
world's atomic clocks drastically to be able to crack someone's
encrypted data? :P


>To: "Gautam R. Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: Full-Disclosure Full-Disclosure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Andrew Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Time Expiry Alogorithm??
>Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 10:28:20 -0800

Gautam R. Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just wondering is there any encrytpion alogortim which expires
> with time.
> For example an email message maybe decrypted withing 48 hours of its
> delivery otherwise it become usless or cant be decrypted with the
> orignal key

>>No. Think about it for a moment.

>>(Clocks can be changed.)

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