On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 18:01:41 +0100, "the.soylent" said:

> i wan`t to use B/tchX (a famous IRC-Client) with the abbility to decrypt
> all written with blowfish.
> OS is Debian-testing (Sarge)
> I have already loaded the right (?) module, with a: /loaddll blowfish.so
> output :
> B/tchX blowfish encryption module v1.0 loaded.
> Adapted from eggdrop by By-Tor
> I can make a key for a #channel with: /encrypt #chan keyword
> output:
> #chan added to the crypt with key keyword
> but when i post, it is just a channelwide ctcp message and what the
> others do write isn`n decrypted...

So you have a client that supports blowfish, and when you turn it on, it
properly sends out the CTCP saying "do this".  Of course, only those other
users on the channel that actually support that CTCP will *do* it.

Have everybody on the channel upgrade their software.  There's no way a client
that doesn't support crypto can encrypt the channel messages....

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