Edge, Ronald D wrote:

> Funny. All I get is a blank white page. Could it be you are expecting me
> to trust your site, turn off all my defenses, turn on scripting, to view
> the page? You're kidding right, this is just a joke to test participants
> gullibility, right?

Sarcasm noted, but that _is_ standard operating procedure for iDEFENSE.

As I have argued several times before, for example (sorry, URL will 


it seems that at iDEFENSE, having a spiffy, bells-and-whistles website 
that is over-designed by folk with no security clue whatsoever is much 
more important than being a security company.  Now, even MS (at least 
after a bit of borax was poured on it) fixed their security bulletin 
pages so script-disabled browsers could view the entire contents of the 
page, but iDEFENSE steadfastly doesn't, so I guess we can all tell what 
that means about iDEFENSE's business focus.  (Read the above-linked 
item for a more detailed explication of all this.)


Nick FitzGerald

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