Last spring, Voluntary Planning was asked to take an in-depth look at the 
issue of Non-Resident Land Ownership in Nova Scotia. A Task Force toured the 
province soliciting community input in order to make recommendations on policy 
to the Nova Scotia Cabinet. It is worthwhile noting that, at the meetings, the 
question of ownership was overshadowed by concerns about access to coastal, 
waterfront, and other prime recreational areas. The panel also noted a 
surprising lack of public input into the process.

There is another chance for input while the interim report is circulated for 
review. Background Information, the report and the 20 recommendations can be 
viewed at You can also pick up a 
copy of the interim report at Access Nova Scotia locations. All responses 
received by October 27, 2001 will be considered in the final report.

The newly formed Coastal Issues Committee of the Ecology Action Centre is 
developing a response to the recommendations and we encourage others to do the 
same. This process which started out examining a perceived or real threat of 
non-resident ownership, has exposed very real concerns about traditional 
rights of access to our shorelines. Ownership patterns are changing and 
traditional uses are not being considered. Only about 5% of coastal lands are 
protected for conservation or public access.

This process is giving us an opportunity to speak out about what is important 
to us as Nova Scotians. If we do not do so now, it will be too late to reserve 
the long-term effects of current development trends. This is an instance where 
numbers do count.

The Coastal Issues Committee of the EAC will be looking at public access among 
other issues affecting the coast. To find out more or join in contact Tony 
Bowron at 429-2202

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