While so many of our whiners wince about former President Jimmy Carter, one of 
the BEST things he did was change Amarican law to permit people to brew 
"reasonable quantities" of beer at home ... and back in the days before the 
explosion of malware, I used to brew QUITE a bit of beer myself ... natch, 
lagers but my farvorites were nice rich 12% pale ales and weiss ... that's one 
thing I *truly* miss having the time to do and nurse my carboys ... 
reinheitsgebot (sp?) can go to hades, a really GOOD ale needs a little added 
sugar to make chewy brews comparable to Wodka in their "kick."  Heh.

 Always wished some day I could hang up my C compiler and become a brewmeister, 
but I'd probably drink all the profits.   =)

At 07:02 AM 11/3/06, Unca Gadi opined:
>I like many German beers. The beer culture in Germany is
>unbelievable! Simply staggering.
>Still, that law about making only lagers, and most people adhering to it,
>really is annoying. :)
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 Kevin McAleavey at your service
 Privacy Software Corporation

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